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Online Meeting with Grzegorz Piechowiak Government Plenipotentiary for foreign investments
As a member of the International Group of Chambers of Commerce, the British Polish Chamber of Commerce is delighted to invite you to the online meeting with Grzegorz Piechowiak, Government Plenipotentiary for Foreign Investments.
The meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. via Remo Platform.
The 19th of January, Polish Government established Mr. Grzegorz Piechowiak to coordinate activities supporting the inflow of foreign investments to Poland.
After the publication of FDI report, we would like to discuss with Government Plenipotentiary for Foreign Investments about the results of the report and create an opportunity for you to ask a representative of the Polish government bothering questions in this area.
The meeting will be opened by a welcome speech of the President of the Belgian Business Chamber - Mr. Pierre Detry and Mr. Ambassador of Belgium to Poland - Mr. Luc Jacobs.
Before the speech of Government Plenipotentiary for Foreign Investments, Mrs. Eliza Przeździecka, Director of Institute of International Economics - Warsaw School of Economics, Chief Economist - AmCham, will make a review of the latest Foreign Direct Investment Report.
Q&A and networking are planned by the end of the meeting.
The moderation will be provided by Richard Stephens, Founder & Editor of Poland Today.
Registration is open until 22.03.2021
Chambers of the IGCC