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Wyniki wyszukiwania
592 wyników pasuje do frazy "get connected with poland"
Najczęściej popełniane błędy przy zatrudnianiu cudzoziemców i konsekwencje wynikające z nielegalnego zatrudnienia
Zapraszamy do udziału w webinarium z cyklu "Zatrudnianie cudzoziemców – ABC HR-owca".
Rady nadzorcze muszą zaangażować się w działania na rzecz klimatu
Deloitte partnerem merytorycznym globalnej inicjatywy Climate Governance powołanej przez Światowe Forum Ekonomiczne.
Virtual Open Days Coventry University Wrocław
22 May Virtual Open Day | Start your adventure to a UK degree in Poland
M&A in e-commerce: is this a good timing for transactions?
In the times of the Covid-19 pandemic, the presence on the e-commerce market has become the key to success, and the sale of products and services in electronic channels - a requirement of the new reality. The acquisition of a player in this segment seems to be an ideal solution for business development and providing benefits in the distant and near future. However, is it always worth it and is it worth it now?
Financing the Green Transition
Adam Hirny, director of the Office for Sustainable Development Programmes at BNP Paribas talks to the BPCC’s Michael Dembinski about how BNP Paribas is using its market power as a bank to further the fight against climate change.
Propozycje programowe BBC Lifestyle czerwiec 2021
Na kanale BBC Lifestyle szczególnie polecamy dokument „70. urodziny księżniczki Anny”.
Finding the right balance
Bogdan Kucharski, head of BP in Poland, talks to the BPCC’s Michael Dembinski about the challenges faced by a company built on hydrocarbons in a world focused on tackling climate change.
The post-pandemic recovery will be bright green
Agnieszka Gajewska, partner and CEE leader, Public Sector & Infrastructure / ESG global international development leader at PwC, talks to the BPCC’s Michael Dembinski about the direction and thrust of the EU’s next budget, and what this will mean for business in Poland, for the country and for Europe.
At the forefront of Photovoltaics 2.0
Olga Malinkiewicz, co-founder and chief technology officer at Saule Technologies, invented a way to make photovoltaic cells based on perovskite crystals, using inkjet printing. The BPCC’s Michael Dembinski talks to Dr Malinkiewicz about how the future of solar energy is about to be revolutionised.
Grayling z potrójną nominacją do prestiżowego tytułu PRovoke EMEA Agencies of the Year
Grayling zdobył nominacje w trzech kategoriach do nagrody PRovoke EMEA Agencies of the Year: • CEE Consultancy of the Year, • Public Affairs Consultancy of the Year, • Russia/CIS Consultancies of the Year. To jedne z najbardziej prestiżowych wyróżnień dla branży PR. Grayling został nominowany przez jury w wyniku procesu obejmującego analizę ponad 200 zgłoszeń i serii spotkań z najbardziej cenionymi agencjami PR w Europie, na Bliskim Wschodzie i w Afryce.