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508 results match "smart investment"

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2021-11-23, 02:00 pm

International Automotive Business Meeting 2021

The key event for the automotive industry in Central and Eastern Europe is back! This year WE ARE BACK with a LIVE EVENT in Sosnowiec, Poland.

Category: Events
2021-10-28, 02:00 pm

The 1st BPCC Female Leadership Forum

We are pleased to invite you to the 1st BPCC Female Leadership Forum, focused on women`s contribution to solving the challenges of today’s hectic reality. The event is about discussing our ‘what, when, how and why' and sharing it with the world.

Category: Events
2021-10-26, 12:00 am

Living sectors, logistics and supermarkets top Savills investment trends

According to Savills, investment in the European real estate market is forecast to exceed last year’s level by at least 15% and reach around €270bn in 2021, with the living sectors and logistics markets likely to account for a significantly higher proportion of total investment than their historic averages. Preliminary estimates of the investment volume in Poland after the third quarter of this year show the absolute dominance of the logistics sector.

Category: News
2021-10-24, 12:00 am

24 October, International Bicycle Day

Design inspirations – arrangement of zones for bicycles in parking lots with the use of colourful resin flooring

Category: News
2021-10-21, 09:00 am

Forum Rynku Nieruchomości Brytyjsko Polskiej Izby Handlowej

Z powodu epidemii Covid-19, zeszły rok charakteryzował się dużą dozą nieprzewidywalności i mnogością wyzwań dla najemców oraz wynajmujących, a także inwestorów, którzy zostali zmuszeni do ponownego przeanalizowania rentowności projektów i decyzji o tempie wprowadzania na rynek nowych inwestycji. W 2020 roku zapotrzebowanie na powierzchnie biurowe w miastach regionalnych spadło o 15% w porównaniu do roku 2019, współczynnik pustostanów w regionach wzrósł średnio o 3,2 p.p., a wolumen powierzchni biurowych w budowie jest obecnie najniższy od 5 lat.

Category: Events
2021-10-20, 12:00 am

Invitation to apply in “Liderzy ESG” Competition

On behalf of PwC, Warsaw Stock Exchange and NN Investment Partners, We have the pleasure of extending an invitation to take part in the competition “Liderzy ESG”. The initiative is  dedicated to organizations that promote strategies and activities in the field of sustainable development and to individuals, whose activities have a real impact on the protection of the environment and natural resources.

Category: News
2021-10-19, 12:00 am

LCP continues its cooperation with TUF RE - new transactions in the pipelineGroup's

The recently purchased projects in Chelmno and Lidzbark Warmiñski have strengthened the cooperation between LCP Group, an investment leader on the Polish market, and TUF RE, a company developing investments that respond to the needs of the local community of small towns.

Category: News
2021-10-19, 12:00 am

Lesson One: Don’t forget what the pandemic has taught you!

Marc Burrage, managing director of Hays Poland, talks to the BPCC’s Michael Dembinski about the impact of Covid on the world of work, and how Poland is placed to do well from the recovery.

Category: News
2021-10-18, 12:00 am

A sense of responsibility for the people’s lives and health during a pandemic

Wiktor Janicki, country president, AstraZeneca Pharma Poland, talks to the BPCC’s Michael Dembinski about the vital importance of R&D for the future of healthcare and Poland’s role in developing future therapies.

Category: News
2021-10-18, 12:00 am

Green transformation - the pandemic's biggest beneficiary

Prof Witold Orłowski, PwC Polska's chief economic advisor, talks to the BPCC's Michael Dembinski about how Covid-19 is reshaping trends in the global economy

Category: News