KPMG news for business

Dear All,

KPMG takes a number of steps to share the expertise of KPMG experts on the changes that are important to entrepreneurs and to provide practical solutions that help companies to keep business in a crisis. All materials from KPMG experts are available at  and on the dedicated website that aggregates current publications related to the COVID-19 pandemic: Business Security during COVID-19.

Do you have a question? Email and a KPMG expert will respond.


Tax Summary of the Week 11.05 - 18.05.2020

Legal Alert: Alternative Investment Company – a structure that allows collective investment

KPMG related toward COVID-19  

●    Join our free KPMG webcasts
for the first online KPMG (e)Forum | Business in times of pandemic. Session #2 Sources of funding and grants goes live 28 of May 2020 and will be held in Polish and English.

          Register now   
Find information about upcoming webcasts and records of archive webcasts on
●     New publications in Polish:

Tax Alert: The Anti-Crisis Shield 3.0 Act entered into force

Legal Alert: Anti-Crisis Shield 3.0 and changes in the labor law

Blog: Anti-Crisis Shield 3.0 from the labor law point of view

Blog: Measuring the temperature of employees and RODO

●    KPMG provides solutions which are developed for the current pandemic situation:

Check KPMG Spot. The services selected by KPMG experts have been specially adapted to meet the current needs and challenges of companies.

●    The KPMG Foundation has been continuing its efforts over the past weeks to combat the effects of the current pandemic.

The Foundation has given support to the children's house in Lodz and purchased protective masks, disinfectants, and disposable gloves. Thanks to the involvement of KPMG office staff in Lodz, the necessary products will secure both children and parents. This is another initiative proposed by KPMG employees and implemented by the Foundation.