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Smart Cities

As the world's population urbanises, citizens are asking how cities should look in the future. Will they grow vertically, or sprawl outwards? Or both? How will city workers commute? How will the energy needs of growing urban populations be met? How can their environmental impact be limited?

To a great degree, the answers will come from the commercialisation of innovative scientific research. Cooperation between universities and business can hold the key to the sustainable future of our cities.

The BPCC and the British Embassy in Warsaw wish to engage with interested stakeholders from academia, local and national government and business to consider the direction and trends visible in Polish urbanisation, ask some tough questions – and offer some answers based on best practice from the UK and around the world.

For UK businesses, this seminar will be an opportunity to learn about the market opportunities in a variety of wide-ranging sectors linked by their sustainable approach- intelligent transport systems, energy-saving technologies, smart grids, smart meters and smart household appliances, water and waste recycling. There is plentiful EU funding to support collaborative R&D projects in these sectors.

This seminar will be a valuable forum for exchange of views between public and private sectors, architects, urban planners and policy makers, as well as businesses that provide solutions for cities.


09:30-10:00 Registration, coffee

10:00-10:10 Welcome and introduction – Her Majesty's Ambassador, Robin Barnett

10:10-10:35 Overview – The Future of Cities – Agneta Person, WSP

10:35-11:40 Panel 1: The future of cities

Kevin O’Malley, City of Bristol
Joanna Bensz, CH2M Hill
Magdalena Stretton, Associate Director, Head of Sustainability, Gleeds
Mgr inż. Agnieszka Turek, Politechnika Warszawska
Anya Margaret Ogorkiewicz, The Keryx Group

Moderator: Ian Fox, Head of Prosperity Team, British Embassy

11:40-12:00 Coffee Break

12:00-13:30 Panel 2: Transport for Cities of the Future

Moderator and introductory presentation: Dr Tom Cohen (University College London): “Transport for cities of the future – some initial thoughts”
dr hab. inż. Artur Badyda (Warsaw University of Technology),
Paweł Wnetkowski, Head Działu Rozwiązań dla Smart Cities, Comarch
Prof. Adam K. Prokopowicz, President, Institute of Global Innovation, Economics & Logistics
Tamas Dombi, Senior Specialist ( Development of Cycling Infrastructure) , ZTM

13:30-14:30 Networking Lunch

14:30-16:00 Panel 3: Energy, water and waste – resources and solutions for tomorrow's cities

Leszek Drogosz, City of Warsaw;
Paweł Pisarczyk, Atende Software,
Kevin O’Malley, City of Bristol,
Dan Byles, VP Corporate Development, Living PlanIT
Wojciech Stawiany, Advisor, National Fund for Environment Protection and Water Management

Moderator: Tomasz Kulisiewicz, Digital State Research Centre

Full simultaneous translation will be provided; participation is free of charge.

RSVP: Robert.Dabrowski@fco.gov.uk no later than 15 May

Policy Groups
2015-05-28, 10:00 am (this event is in the past)

Venue British Embassy, ul. Kawalerii 12, Warsaw
Organiser British Polish Chamber of Commerce