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Commercial Mediation – New Quality in Business.

On behalf of the British Ambassador to Poland, Mr. Robin Barnett and the International Mediation Centre Coordinator, Mrs. Ewelina Stobiecka, PhD cordially invite you to join them for the 1st Conference “International Meetings with Mediations”, which is orgnised by the British Embassy and the International Mediation Centre.

The conference topic is ”Commercial Mediation – New Quality in Business.”

The Conference takes place during Mediaiton Week,
On 16th October 2014 at 9:00am in the British Embassy on ul. Kawalerii 12 in Warsaw.

During the Conference the speakers will present new trends and activities related to mediation in Poland, the benefits for entrepreneurs from out of court dispute resolution, as well as the role of the mediator in commercial mediations. The speakers will also discuss solving issues for an entrepreneur –customer disputes in e-commerce.

Please confirm if you are able to attend the conference by 6th October at 5.00pm to Email address mcm@mcm.org.pl

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2014-10-16, 09:00 am (this event is in the past)

Venue British Embassy, ul. Kawalerii 12, Warsaw