2018-09-21, 10:17 am

14 International Oktoberfest in Wrocław

Wrocław's 14th International Oktoberfest maintained its famed profile as one of the largest and most prestigious business events in Lower Silesia.

2018-07-20, 09:00 am

GET UNBLOCKED and Speak English

On 20th July BPCC and its member YouEnglish, a Wrocław language school, organised the second edition of the practical workshop entitled GET UNBLOCKED and Speak English.

2018-07-18, 09:30 am

The modern office and Polish health and safety regs: How to square the realities of today's activity-based workplace with the legal requirements?

Poland's health and safety at work regulations date back to 1998 and offices full of old-style computers with boxy cathode-ray monitors.

2018-07-18, 09:30 am

Has Poland’s construction boom reached its peak?

Members from across the construction and real estate sector met for breakfast at the BPCC’s offices on 18 July to discuss the state of trade, to share insights and consider future prospects.

2018-06-12, 09:00 am

Real Estate Market Forum

On Tuesday, 12 June 2018, another meeting of the Real Estate Market Forum was held in Wrocław, where over 140 representatives of developers, managers and tenants operating on the Lower Silesia market gathered.

2018-06-19, 07:00 pm

Business Ferryboat Cruise & Party

On 19 June 2018, yet another BPCC & EY joint cruise along the Odra took place, this year aboard the riverboat Nereida.

2018-06-05, 08:00 am

Networking coffee meeting with a trade mission of manufacturing companies from Sheffield and South Yorkshire

On 5 June 2018 in the Poznań City Hall, the British Polish Chamber of Commerce organized a coffee networking meeting for BPCC member companies and the trade mission of manufacturing companies from Sheffield.

2018-05-17, 09:45 am

The modern office and Polish health and safety regs: How to square the realities of today's activity-based workplace with the legal requirements?

Poland's health and safety at work regulations date back to 1998 and offices full of old-style computers with boxy cathode-ray monitors.

2018-05-11, 09:30 am

How can we do better today that which we did yesterday and the day before?

The concept of continuous improvement in production is not new, but the ways in which manufacturers implement it are evolving.

2018-05-08, 09:30 am

RODO in practice - how to effectively prepare for changes in the provisions on personal data protection

On 25 May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (known in Polish by the initials RODO), enters into force. Severe financial penalties await non-compliant business.
