
43 (138) 2020
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A Great Realignment awaits us all

Header oficjalne witold or owski
Prof Witold Orłowski, chief economic advisor to PwC, talks to Michael Dembinski about the Covid-19 crisis and its effects on the Polish economy – and its long-term implications for global development


What are the prospects for Poland?

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More in Interviews:


From crisis to ‘new normal’ and beyond

Bogdan Kucharski, CEO of BP Polska, talks to Michael Dembinski about how one of Poland’s largest fuel retailers is dealing with the crisis – and how he sees its aftermath


The price of crude oil has fallen significantly. There are worries about storage capacity as production overtakes demand locally. How will this feed into the market for automotive fuel in the short, medium and long term?


Resilience and standards – an answer to business continuity at a time of crisis

Marcin Szopa, commercial branch manager of BSI Group in Poland, talks to Michael Dembinski about how well prepared business really when it came to confronting such unprecedented interruption


The Covid-19 pandemic came as a shock to many CEOs, who suddenly realised that their business continuity plans were either insufficient, out of date – or non-existent. How would you assess the state of readiness of Polish companies to cope with the effects of lockdown?